Customer survey Dear GELPELL customers, Your feedback and your opinion are very important to us, as we always want to improve ourselves and our service. Therefore, we would like to ask you to take part in a short survey on your relationship and your recent experiences with GELPELL. We thank you for your support and look forward to your feedback. Company and Name Would you recommend GELPELL AG? Very likelylikelyundecidedrather unlikelyunprobable How satisfied are you with GELPELL AG? Very satisfiedsatisfiedundecidedrather dissatisfieddissatisfied How would you describe the quality of our services? very goodgoodaveragebadvery bad How do you rate the value for money of our services? Very goodgoodaveragebadvery bad How do you rate our contactability regarding questions and suggestions? Very goodgoodaveragebadvery bad How long have you been a customer of GELPELL AG? This is my first purchaseless than 6 months6 months- 2 years3 - 5 yearsmore than 5 years How likely are you to use our services again? very likelylikelyundecidedrather unlikelyunprobable personal feedback I have read the Privacy policy and accept it. I accept that my data is stored and processed to process my request. You can withdraw your acceptance via email to: I accept to be contacted because of this survey.